Risk management in human rights and environment

On July 4th, the Portuguese Council of Ministers approved the Accelerating the Economy – Growth, Competitiveness, Internationalisation, Innovation and Sustainability programme, with 60 fiscal and economic measures to accelerate the growth of the economy.
The full programme can be consulted on Government’s website. We highlight the sustainability vector, which includes measures such as:
#31. SME qualification and leadership training programme: Fostering innovation and sustainability in the business system.
#32. Contribute to the definition of the ESG reporting verification framework: Standardise and implement a non-financial information verification system.
#33. Creation of the ”SME ESG Leader” award: Mobilising more companies for ESG transformation and adoption of circular models, as factors of competitiveness.
#34. Inclusion of ESG criteria accessing incentives and public procurement: Align the screening of public applications with the ESG credential requirements imposed by central banks.
#35. Accelerating the circular economy in commerce and services: Encouraging companies to implement circular practices.
This set of measures highlights the relevance of sustainability reporting and alignment with ESG criteria for national companies.